Feel Empowered!

Create a deeper connection to your health and wellbeing when you connect to the cycles and seasons of Nature, the Moon and the planets!

Your Monthly Guide To Nature & The Cosmos!

Our Cosmic Nature Workbooks contain everything that you need each month to create a gentle connection to the natural world around you.

Packed with information on the monthly cycles of Nature, as well as the current planetary alignments and how these might impact your daily life, Cosmic Nature will guide you with journaling questions, exercises and visualisations, so that you can create a life that aligns with the energies of Nature and the Universe.

Moon Magic!

Align your thoughts, actions and energy with the current moon phase.

Seasonal Energies!

Create a deeper connection to yourself and sense of wellbeing when you weave Nature's touch into your daily life.

Cosmic Guidance!

Live a life that is empowered by intuition and decisions that are in alignment with current planetary influences.

Meet Lisa!

Creator of Natural Me & Cosmic Nature

Hello and welcome to Natural Me! I'm Lisa Melbourne, a passionate Clinical Aroma-Reflexologist, Author and Spiritual Coach, sharing my message that connection to Nature and the Universe is vitally important for our health and wellbeing in order to thrive in today's busy world.

Thank you for connecting with me and the work that I do. I hope the workbooks support you in creating a deeper and more mindful way of life, supported by the beauty of Nature and the Universe!

Check out or latest astrology reading for COUPLES!

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