Welcome to the Natural Me Sisterhood!

Natural Me is a sisterhood, a place of belonging where we can all learn, share and grow our sense of Spirit and Purpose together.

You will feel truly connected to who you are and learn to weave natural therapies, nature, the seasons, astrology and the moon cycles into your very sense of being, ultimately creating harmony, peace and balance within your life.

Lisa Melbourne

Join the Natural Me Sisterhood for just £14.99 a month!

If you have found this page then I truly believe that you and I are here to connect with each other as kindred spirits.

As a practising Clinical Reflexologist and Aromatherapist with 11 years of experience running my own practise – Lisa’s Body & Sole Clinic, my passion for natural health is a big part of my life and my aim is to connect with like-minded women from all over the world who share an interest in creating a natural and mindful way of living, learning to weave the cycles and rhythms of nature and the planets into their daily practices. 

I want to remove the social stigmas from 'nature worship' because it is my strongest belief that without a deep connection to the natural world around us, we can not truly find balance within all aspects of our health.

We must harness the natural rhythms of our world and weave them into our very 'Being' in order to tune in, re-calibrate and reconnect with our mind and body, ultimately removing stress, worry, anxiety and mental health problems.

Connecting to Nature and its benefits have been studied across the World. Here are some of the findings - 

  • Boosts mental health
  • Decreases activity in area's of the brain linked to depression
  • Reduces anger, fear, worry and stress
  • Reduces blood pressure and heart rate, muscle tension and production of stress hormones
  • Increased attention span, creativity and ability to connect with others
  • Reduces cholesterol
  • Improve sleep duration
  • Reduces risk of type 2 Diabetes
  • Improves cardiovascular mortality and overall mortality
  • Boosts all round wellness and positive feelings

In the world that we live in we have become so disconnected from everything natural, everything that we should be connected to – the Earth and the Seasons, nature and fresh air that we start to struggle with niggles and ailments that a lot of the time can be linked to stressors in our life such as long working hours, stressful commutes, lack of sleep, too much caffeine, unhealthy and processed foods…the list goes on. I see this all the time with the job that I do and so I help people to connect these dots and become more mindful of making time for themselves, even if it is just learning to implement a little to start with.

It is through the work that I have been doing for the last 11 years with the Body & Sole Clinic that the inspiration came to create the Natural Me Community. An online community where you will enjoy friendship with like-minded women, learning to implement daily mindful practises into your routine.

Natural Me – Core Values

  • Self-belief – not self-sabotage
  • A connected & balanced Mind, Body & Spirit
  • Natural therapies & mindful healing at the heart of natural living
  • A Heart & Soul led community of women 
  • Do you struggle with self-limiting beliefs that hold you back from truly stepping into the life that you want to lead?
  • Do you feel disconnected from nature and want to lead a more mindful and abundant way of life?
  • Does stress play an overwhelming part in your daily life?
  • Would you like to implement natural therapies into your lifestyle?

If you answered YES to these questions then finding Natural Me was destined to be!

As a Natural Me Member you will enjoy weekly content that you can follow at your own pace and in your own time on subjects such as :

  • Reflexology – A monthly reflex to work on as part of your self-care routine
  • Aromatherapy – A monthly blend to enjoy making for home use – building up your natural medicine cupboard
  • Astrology – Implementing simple astrology into your lifestyle with mindful intention setting and rituals
  • Crystal therapy – A monthly crystal to focus on, learning about its healing properties and guidance/suggestions for daily use
  • Flower therapy – Flower of the month to focus on with info on healing properties and suggestions for daily mindful implementation
  • Chakra healing – Learning about the energy centres within our body and implementing mindful chakra healing
  • Goddess/Deity reflections – Monthly Goddess/deity to study and implement into mindful daily practises
  • Guided Meditations and Mindful exercises– For you to try

Moon Gatherings

There are Full and New Moon gatherings on Zoom which are streamed into Facebook Live within our Closed Circle every fortnight as well as Sabbat gatherings (celebrations of the cycles of nature) where we gather together in meditation and set our intentions and goals around the astrological calendar. This is a beautiful 1 hour in which we connect as a circle and use our combined energy to powerfully support each other while working at Soul level.


Do I have to contribute to the Live Moon Gatherings?

  • No you don’t. The Circle is led by myself for you to be guided through our meditations and group work. Members often add comments with their experiences throughout the circle if they wish to but a lot of members prefer to silently take part.

How do I connect with you for the Live Moon Gatherings?

  • Live Moon Circles are held on Zoom. You will receive an email prior to the date with the link for you to join us there. Some people prefer to watch it within our facebook closed group where it will be streamed Live for you as well. You will need a Facebook account to join the closed group and to join in with the Circles if you prefer not to use Zoom. Once you have joined the membership I will send you the link to the Closed Group and the Natural Me Hub where you will find all content for you to enjoy.

Can I cancel my membership immediately if I choose to leave?

  • Absolutely. You don’t need to give any notice. Simply cancel your recurring payments with the bank and I will take you out of the Group no explanations needed.

What do I get with my membership?

  • Weekly content added to the Hub for you to study at your own convenience. The content will include recommended resources for any items that you may need/want to purchase as part of the weekly content. For example our crystal therapy will require you to purchase the crystal yourself. Aromatherapy blends will also include resources for base products and essential oils etc. You will be notified when new content is available on Monday mornings.
  • You will gain access to the Natural Me Hub and our full library of all content created since we began the Circle.
  • You will experience the beautiful energy that we bring together during our moon gatherings as a fellow Sister of our Circle.
  • You will be first to be notified of upcoming events – we gather for a wonderfully healing Retreat in various locations once a year – our first planned for the summer of 2020.
  • You will be given mindful tools and spiritual practises to implement and weave into your daily life to help you to find a balance of peace and contentment within the busy world that we live in. This will ultimately encourage you to de-stress and mindfully re-evaluate situations in a positive way.
  • You will learn new ways of connecting with the natural world around you, celebrating the cycles of nature, the healing power of herbs and flowers, weaving the energies of the Moon’s cycles into your thoughts and actions.
  • You will learn simple self-help aromatherapy and reflexology to support not only yourself but your family and friends too!

Do I have to complete the content every week and in a particular order?

  • No you don’t. The content will be uploaded into the Hub for you to access like a library. You can pick and choose which content you feel drawn to and work through it as and when you feel called to do so. There are no time limits or frames on anything.

Do I have to contribute to the Group in any way?

  • No you don’t. If you have a gift however that you would like to share with us – for example one of our members enjoys sending distance reiki to the members once a week then you will always be welcome to share but only if you wish to do so. You will never be asked or pressurised into offering anything.

All I can say to you is that your presence within our Circle will be truly cherished and we can’t wait to share this magical space with you.



MEMBERSHIP FEE - £14.99 a month.

Enjoy all of our content (that's 4 years worth), the online fortnightly Circles which include guided meditations and journaling, and regular health and wellbeing workshops delivered by experts for just £14.99 a month.

I can’t WAIT to see you there! You are so very welcome to this beautiful and magical space. Let’s continue to Connect, Share and Grow together!


Different Elements of Healing

'I love the content that you provide because it kind of joins the dots between the different elements that we use for healing, and suggests how they can work together. The rituals and thought work that we do is fascinating and completely new to me. Thank you for what you are doing. It's very resonant with what I am trying to do with my new lifestyle'


Being Part of the Circle

'I can't thank you enough for allowing me to be a part of the Circle. Thank you for sharing your knowledge, tips on information on so many subjects from balancing chakras, mixing up our own unique stress busting oils, learning how to set intentions with effect, to recognise and understand my own behaviour and patterns. Life often dictates whether I can attend all of the Circle Gatherings so I am especially grateful that I can dip in and out and am able to catch up at my own convenience. Loved receiving the distance reiki too, first for me to receive. A massive thank you for allowing me to join this journey.'


Connecting with Like-minded People

'I have been following your posts for a while and as soon as you mentioned the group I thought that it would be an amazing way to connect with other like-minded people. I've been a part of a few groups in the past and already your content is way better than those. We have a loving and supportive community where we can learn and grow.'




follow on facebook - @LisaNaturalMe

instagram – lisa_natural_me

Hello, I'm Lisa and welcome to Natural Me!

Natural and mindful health and wellbeing is an absolute passion of mine. Natural Me came from a deep-rooted calling to share my knowledge and skills as a complimentary therapist, with my own daily mindful practices that I have been crafting and weaving into my life, around Mother Nature, her Seasons and the Moon for almost a decade now.

Understanding and de-coding our body's messages with ancient healing practices, as well as finding peace, tranquillity and a deeper meaning to our purpose when we connect to the natural world, is something that we have become so disconnected from in our fast-paced world. I am here to re-align your mind, body and spirit to a life that is nature-led and full of magic!

Let's start a movement together - a movement of magic, abundant health and wellbeing and crystal clear clarity on our purpose.

Gather Online for our fortnightly Full & New Moon Circles

Each Circle focuses on the current astrological and seasonal energies. We join together in guided meditations and visualisations, as well as journaling around guided Soul Questions.

Harness the healing powers of essential oils

Create your very own, natural blends of essential oils for support with every day health and wellbeing as well as minor ailments.

Dive into the healing and therapeutic properties of crystals

Crystals are gifts from Mother Earth. Learn their uses and how to implement them into bespoke treatments for your daily wellbeing.

Flowers hold within them the wisdom of the Universe

Flowers have been revered for their healing and therapeutic properties since ancient times.

Enjoy learning about flowers, their healing properties and how to work with them for enhanced wellbeing.

Connect with the Elements

Create some natural magic within your daily mindful practices and rituals, with the powerful energies of Earth, Air, Fire and Water.

Discover your Soul's deepest messages

Connect to your higher wisdom, your intuition and the messages that come from your team of Spiritual Helpers with guided Soul Questions.

Uncover the magical beliefs behind the worship of ancient deities

Journey back through the ages, on a path of mystical discovery that will strengthen your connection with the Gods and Goddesses that have been worshipped throughout history.

Support your health holistically with Reflexology

Implement the powerful healing of reflexology into your daily life, with self-help techniques to share with your family and friends.

Discover and connect with your body's main energy centres

Develop a deeper understanding of the unique energies that flow throughout your body and how each are connected to your physical, emotional and spiritual health.

Retreats & Magical Gatherings

What started as an exclusive online community has now evolved into in-person gatherings with seasonal celebrations and our annual Natural Me Retreat. Click the image (left) and take a look at some of the magical spaces that we have created together so far with our annual retreat in Yorkshire with access to our very own ancient woodland, to Summer Solstice Flower Crown workshops as well as a very autumnal witchy gathering in the woods with our own teepee to gather elderberries for our homemade syrup!

We currently have a Winter Solstice gathering in the pipeline so watch this space.

P.S Our retreats and magical gatherings are open to everyone, not just members of the Sisterhood so why not bring a friend with you!

Check out our new astrology reading for COUPLES!

For more info click the image or here

What Do The Stars Hold In Store For You This Year?

Your personal 12 Month Ahead Astrology Reading will give you insight and understanding into what is coming up for you this year in all major areas of your life!

To learn more click the image or follow this link