'Your reading was fantastic!'

'I have never had a full Oracle reading before so wasn't sure what to expect, but it was similar to a tarot reading but more connected to my soul purpose, spirit and guide.

The reading was so lovely and really connected with my inner and even subconscious wishes. I've always wanted to live in a little cottage in the woods and feel really connected to the forest...and this was one of the first things that came up, giving me guidance on my path, my happiness and harnessing my intuition and magic.

It was great and fantastic!'

-Ayeisha K


That was my immediate impression following my Oracle card reading with Lisa.

Her interpretations for the selected cards for my reading was impressive and so accurate.

She has instilled confidence within me for a wonderful future, giving me advice on how to achieve my dreams and suggestions for what it is time to let go of.

Lisa used her intuition and connections with her guides to deliver a true account of my past, present and future life!

I am so full of gratitude and love for this very special lady! The future will be rosy! Thank you!


"Highly Recommended"

I had an amazing reading with Lisa, I've had several readings in the past but this was by far the best.

Lisa was very insightful and she was also spot on. The reading has given me a lot of clarity on things and I'm grateful to Lisa for this and highly recommend having a reading with her.

-Toni D

Receive personal guidance from my Spiritual Team!

Ever since I can remember I have been able to hear the messages that my guides have gifted me, but it wasn't until about 8 years a go, after booking in to see someone about my growing connection with Spirit that I realised that the random thoughts and messages that I had been receiving for my whole life, were in fact coming from my own personal team of spiritual helpers.

I have been committed to consciously strengthening this connection ever since, offering oracle readings to family and friends for the past couple of years, as my confidence in my abilities grew and unfolded.

I have been gifted a particularly strong connection to my main guide, Karim who offers me wisdom and guidance daily and I would like to share this beautiful gift with others.

What to expect with your Oracle Reading.

You will receive a comprehensive 45 minute reading in person or via zoom with myself where we will focus on specific areas of your life that you wish to know more about and understand at a deeper level. This could be on areas of your life such as work and relationships, as well as offering insight on what has been, what is happening now and what is yet to come in the future.

Your reading is not recorded so please bring a notepad and pen with you.

Booking & Price


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